2622028376 Καραϊσκάκη 22, Αμαλιάδα, Ηλείας alex.manolopulos@gmail.com

Αλέξανδρος Μανωλόπουλος & συνεργάτες



Apartment in the centre of Amaliada, Greece


Apartment in the centre of Amaliada, Greece


Apartment building in Amaliada, Greece

Apartment building in Amaliada, Greece


Apartment building in Amaliada, Greece


Apartment building in Amaliada, Greece


Villa P, private house


Villa P, private house


Proposal for residential apartments in Vienna, Austria


Proposal for residential apartments in Vienna, Austria


White Villas, touristic apartments in Peloponnese


White Villas, touristic apartments in Peloponnese


Relaxing-wellness place by the river


Relaxing-wellness place by the river


Touristic apartments constructed with shipping containers in Kourouta


Touristic apartments constructed with shipping containers in Kourouta


Proposal for a rowing centre in Vienna


Proposal for a rowing centre in Vienna


Apartment building in Amaliada


Apartment building in Amaliada


Renovation, touristic apartments in Kourouta


Renovation, touristic apartments in Kourouta


Touristic installation surrounded by nature, Fragma Piniou


Touristic installation surrounded by nature, Fragma Piniou


Apartment building in Amaliada


Apartment building in Amaliada


White Villas, interior, touristic apartments, Peloponnese


White Villas, interior, touristic apartments, Peloponnese


Apartment in the centre of Amaliada


Apartment in the centre of Amaliada


Touristic installation in Kourouta


Touristic installation in Kourouta


Robinson Kyllini Beach Hotel


Robinson Kyllini Beach Hotel


Interior, bathroom, apartment in Amaliada


Interior, bathroom, apartment in Amaliada


Interior, hotel room


Interior, hotel room


Private house in Amaliada


Private house in Amaliada


Warehouse_stable-to-Home Renovation


Warehouse_stable-to-Home Renovation


Private house in Amaliada


Private house in Amaliada


Politeia, touristic apartments'in Kourouta


Politeia, touristic apartments'in Kourouta